Admissions/ derbyniadau

Please see our admissions policy in the policy section. 


Admission Arrangements 2019/2020


Initial Placement, Parental Preference and Transfer Requests

The Local Authority, the LA, is the admitting authority for all community schools in the area. 

Admission to Infant, Junior and Primary Community Schools

Each child about to commence full time education or transfer between an infant and junior school will be invited to apply for a place at the catchment school maintained by the LA.

Parents can either apply on line or in writing for a place at the catchment school or express a preference for a placement at an alternative school. Requests for a preferred placement will be granted unless to do so would:

  • prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources, and
  • for voluntary aided schools, be incompatible with the admission arrangement agreed between the Governing Body and the LA.

Those parents who express a preference on line or in writing for a place at any school will be given priority over those who have not.