Dunvant Primary School
Dunvant Primary School
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Dunvant Curriculum Summary
Dunvant Curriculum Summary
School Development Plan/ PDG
School Development Plan 2023-24
Our School
School Nurse Information Letters (Reception Classes)
Curriculum/ Cwricwlwm
Siarter Iaith
Attendance/ Presenoldeb
Policies/ Polisiau
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Inclement Weather/ Tywydd garw
Our Classes/ Ein dosbarthiadau
E Safety/ E diogelwch
Our School Houses and Values/ Ein tai ysgol a'n gwerthoedd
FODS- Friends of Dunvant/ Cyfeillion Dyfnant
Our Specialist Teaching Classes/ Ein dosbarthiadau addysgu arbenigol
Nursery and Reception Classes/ Dosbarthiadau Meithrin a Derbynfa
Year 1 and 2/ Blwyddyn 1 a 2
Year 3 and 4/ Blwyddyn 3 a 4
Year 5 and 6/ Blwyddyn 5 a 6
Wraparound Facility/ Cyfleuster lapio
School Times
Annual Governing Body Report 2023
Homework help/ Help gwaith cartref
Pupil Well being/ Lles disgyblion
Pupil Voice at Dunvant/ Llais disgybl yn Dyfnant
Unicef Rights of a child- We are a rights respecting school
Great Welsh apps and websites/ Apiau a gwefannau Cymraeg Gwych
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