Dunvant Primary Wraparound
Dunvant Primary Wraparound is located in Dunvant Primary school grounds and offers various childcare sessions for children aged 2-12 years including children with disabilities and additional needs.
We are open from 7.30am – 5.45pm during term time and are registered with the CIW to care for up to 70 children.
Our aims and objectives are to provide high quality day care that enhances the development, care and education of children in a safe and stimulating environment where they can learn through play in partnership with parents.
We strive to provide a range of activities both inside and outside for your child to enjoy, socialise and have fun whilst catering for your child’s physical, social and emotional needs.
We provide different sessions to coincide with the school start and finishing times and our prices vary per session:-
Handy Half Hour 7.30am - 8.00am
School Breakfast Club 8.00am - 8.45am
Wraparound 8.45am - 12.45pm and 11.15am - 3.15pm
Playgroup 8.45am - 11.15am and 12.45pm - 3.15pm
After School Club 3.15pm - 5.45pm
Full Day Care 7.30am - 5.45pm
We are taking part in the 30 hour Childcare Offer for Wales for 3-4 year olds.
We have friendly, experienced staff with necessary qualifications who are all committed to providing high quality childcare in a safe, stimulating, relaxing environment.
If you have any queries, would like to come and look around or request a copy of our Statement of Purpose and Registration form, please contact Sharon Pearson or Wendy Wisbey on 01792 207336 Option 3 who will be more than happy to assist you.